"I have always imagined that Paradise will be some kind of library." ~ Jorge Luis Borges

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Research never really ends

The first graders wrapped up their mini research on penguins. This was a three week PLAN- DO -REVIEW process. You can read about the other weeks on this blog post. 

This week, the students used PebbleGo to try to answer a few more of their questions. Before heading to PebbleGo, we looked at which questions had been answered the previous week with the print resources, and then explored the remaining questions. With this understanding of the information gaps, they went off to read and listen to the four articles in PebbleGo. They love gathering information:
As students found answers to questions they wrote them on post-it notes. 

They also added new questions to the white board. I could see the impact of this tangible method on seeing four important things:

1. Questions become answers, which become part of what they know.
2. Plan -Do-Review is a process that works for all research
3. Some questions are harder to answer than others
4. Research never ends - questions leads to information,  which often leads to new questions, which leads to new answers, etc.

Here are a few more things the first graders learned this week:

New questions they had:

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